Soilless growing involves cultivating a plant in a hydroponic or organic compound medium other than soil. Soil growing can lead to exposure to unwanted pests and toxins and generally produces smaller yields than soilless growing techniques.
Soilless agriculture is a great way to ensure that plants are getting concentrated nutrients and exposure to oxygen at the root level, as soilless mediums are more aerated.
The two main methods of soilless growing include medium culture and solution culture. Solution cultures include flow solution, static solution, and aeroponics. Medium culture involves growing plants in mediums such as coco coir, stonewool, expanded clay pebbles, and peat moss mixtures.
Advantages of Soilless Growing
Soilless growing is an ideal growing method where space is limited and individuals do not have access to traditional soil plots. Soilless growing is common in urban spaces and with small crop size.
Soilless growing does not require an amendment to the growing medium through the use of harsh chemicals and pesticides as the risk of disease and pests is much lower. This method also allows for precise feeding and maximum uptake of nutrients. Root structures in soilless grows tend to receive more oxygen and therefore become more efficient at utilizing water and nutrients.
Soilless growing is also a good method for year-round growing, as it can be done indoors, free from weather changes. Plants grown in soilless systems tend to have larger yields and better overall plant health. Additionally, there is no risk of fertilizer and pesticide runoff which may contaminate traditional soil grows.
Disadvantages of Soilless Growing
One of the biggest disadvantages of soilless growing is the susceptibility of plants to equipment malfunction, specifically with aeroponic and hydroponic growing methods. In these systems, a broken pump or clogged nozzle can cause plant death very rapidly and the system requires constant attention. Using mediums such as expanded clay pebbles, coco coir, and peat moss mixtures can mitigate these issues and require less attention overall.
Soilless growing set ups can be costly at the start and often require specialized equipment such as pumps, spray nozzles, water tubing and specialized growing tables. Using alternate mediums such as expanded clay pebbles also come with an initial cost to the grower but can be re-used for multiple grows.
The Quad Nutro Advantage
Quad Nutro additives are specially designed to work with soilless growing methods to optimize nutrient utilization and increase plant immunity. Quad Nutro products will power up any nutrient program, which will lead to increased plant yields.
Quad Nutro products are added to the chosen growing medium to “boost” the ability of the plant to use available nutrients and retain water. Our products boast industry-leading negative charge readings at (-425) to (-550) millivolts, with most similar products having a range of negative 10-150 millivolts. It is critical to have a negative charge in the growing medium as this allows carbon molecules to bind to unwanted toxins and remove them from the plant.
Use Quad Nutro products to take your nutrient program to the next level, with increased yields and better plant health.